Illogan Summer Fayre 2024

On the 29th June we attended the annual Illogan Summer Fayre. This is a well attended event that has a…

Annual Charter Dinner 2024

The Camborne & Redruth Lions Club celebrated our anniversary on the 18th May at Tehidy Golf Club.

Trevithick Day 2024

Sauturday 27th April was of course Trevithick Day and we were out in force with our ever popular games.

Lions Christmas Raffle

For a short period before Christmas we decided to run a Christmas Raffle in both the Camborne & Redruth areas.

Lion Alan Down Under

During his recent holiday in Australia, our very own Lion Alan Hampton attended  a dinner meeting of the Trewantin Noosa…

Rememberance Sunday 2023

Members of the Camborne & Redruth Lions Club were in attendence for the laying of wreaths in both Camborne and…