Tide Race 2024
On Sunday the 4th August, we made our way down to Portreath beach for our annual Tide Race.
A number of teams, in three categories attempted to beat the tide by building the biggest mound of sand they could before then tide came in. They were then required to stand on their creation in an attempt to keep their feet dry.
The specticle spanned almost the full length of the beach and drew many on lookers who supported and cheered those taking part.
The winners of each category were presented with a cash prize of £50 per team.
All proceeds on the day were for the Lions Charity account which will be donated to local deserving causes in the Camborne and Redruth area.
We would like to say a big thank you to all those that gave their time to help with this event and also to those who took part.
The teenage winners were the Spadelers, from Portreath and the winners of the child category was Tyler and the gang, from Camborne.

On behalf of all of us at the Camborne & Redruth Lions Club, we would like to say a huge thank you to the teams that took part, without you there wouldn’t be a Tide Race.